Carla Regina: concept, text, staging, voice
Maria Gabriella Bassi: concept, piano
Claudio Mastrangelo: cello
Music by:
J.S. Bach, D. Kabalevski, B. Maderna L. Bernstein, N.Rota, G.Yared, T. De Carolis
Production Stichting “Voice, Actually” in collaboration with: Istituto italiano di cultura -Amsterdam, NL
The show
Pre-ludiando is based on the idea of awaiting for something.
In music what comes before the main musical piece is described as prelude.
Pre-lude, in its latin origin, means : before the playing, before the game begins.
What happens while waiting to play, waiting for the game to start, waiting for someone to come?
Is the “playing” itself what makes our life worth living, or is it perhaps…the waiting itself?
2 musicians, a pianist and a cellist, a singer/theatre maker and 2 composers, worked on this theme using the tools they are familiar with their instruments, the music, the text.
The result is a theatre concert who alternates music, words and movements.
The repertoire of this theatre concert is very versatile:
– “Preludes” of the classical music repertoire (Kabalevski, Bach)
– Contemporary music pieces of composers such as Bruno Maderna , Leonard Bernstein, Nino Rota .
– Premieres of pieces written for this project:
- ” Percorsi di luce” by Gabriel Yared
(Oscar award for the soundtrack of “The english patient”
(Oscar nomination for the soundtrack of “City of angels”, “The talented mr. Ripley”, Cold Mountain”)
- ” Preludiando-Racconti di fatti” by composer Tiziana De Carolis
Using as inspiration the theatre play : “Waiting for Godot” by S. Beckett the performers come on stage, waiting for someone or something who will come , or that will happen.
They encourage each-other with the mantra :
“Let’s wait. Let’s listen. Let’s wait.”
In the meanwhile this waiting becomes melody, text, movement.
Classic pages of the repertoire are performed, and the theme gives them a good reason to perform new and brand new music, while everything unfolds.
They sing, play, move, waiting for a meal, for the wedding day, for the perfect soulmate, for a child.
Situations that, human as they are, will appeal to the audience, that becomes herself involved in this awaiting-prelude.
At the end we realize that the true , satisfying experience is to taste and enjoy fully the waiting time.
We wait ,and we go on living in the best way they know how , with their music.
And it is this waiting, that makes all the playing…worth playing.
“We are glad. (Silence).”
“And now that we are glad, what do we do? (Silence) “
“We wait. We listen. We wait “.