“New horizon…bittersweet nolstalgia…secret corners of our soul…the many lights we seek, the many shadow we evoke…” A show about a journey…in and out ourselves”
“..In Viaggio” is a music theatre show about the different faces of a journey: adventure, migration, identity and the inner path. It is a show on the people one meets and the places one discovers; on what one is forced to abandon and leave behind,home, friends, family; and on the path that starting with a journey leads to the most important destination: our soul, our true home. Two people meet each other in a distant place while travelling. One is a woman,(western…not western? Where is she coming from? We will never know) she is running away from her country, her past is painful, and she is looking for shelter and emotional support; the other is a western well-to-do leisure traveller, and apparently his easy life is all about adventure and pleasure and no worries. They start sharing their different stories, their past and their feelings every time they meet again. While being together they start to feel at home and connected with each other. At some point the roles and the clichés are not that clear anymore: The emotional refugee, who has gained strength from surviving her ordeal, is able to become herself shelter for the man, whose unexpected confession reveals a deep struggle with his inner demons. At the certain moment, they will have to part for good enriched from each other. They will learn from this experience that the most important destination is within them. “In Viaggio” starts as a pilot project in the theatre Het Klooster in Woerden, NL, in 2010. It has been since performed throughout Holland, and Italy. It has been since performed throughout Holland, and Italy. Artistic team The show is performed with text ,poetry, classical music and folk music, by an actor, a classical/folk singer, and a classical pianist/folk accordeonist. Carla Regina Concept, Text, Dramaturgy, Voice Bert Wagenaar van Kreveld Text, Dramaturgy, Acting Nettie Krull Piano, Accordeon Jaap van der Woude Lighting Design
Marjo van der Pol Stage Costumes Guido Grossi Make-up Miranda Lakerveld Direction Musical Repertoire The music repertoire is chosen with the clear intent to accompany and underline the story, disregarding any continuity in a cross-over of style, period and language, to resemble the idea of travelling and wandering from place to place, from people to other people, from language to language,from culture to culture. Therefore the singing voice is used in different ways (classical, folk) and the pieces are specially arranged for the performance for piano and accordeon. Classical music: Canto negro – Xavier Montsalvatge; Cancion +Seguidilla murciana – De Falla; Selve amiche – Antonio Caldara; Auf dem flusse-Frans Schubert; Ich bin der Welt – Gustav Mahler- It aint necessarily so-G. Gerswhin; Folk: Amara terra mia – Domenico Modugno; Tammurriata nera – trad folk south of Italy; Lacrime napulitane – trad. South Italia; Gracias alla vida – Violetta Parra; Black is the colour – spiritual traditional; Nature boy – Eden Ahbez.