The Foundation who commissioned this production, Stichting Groene Hart, wanted a familiar story adapted in the environment and in the history of the Groene Hart region , in the south of The Netherlands.
The famous piece “Midsummer’s night dream” by W. Shakespeare has a very strong theme in the connection between nature and history.
What if Shakespeare came to Groene Hart region, and got inspired to write Midsummer Night`s dream? What if he was commissioned by Dutch famous historic characters to write it? How would this famous play look like?
So we created a Shakespeare reloaded version of the classic play, custom-made to the local characters, features, history, traditions.
A “classic” revisited, in the style of the GROENE HART region.
The show is a multidisciplinary production with opera singers, pop singers, video projections.
Concept, script and direction by Carla Regina
Production Voice, Actually